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Setting Up Your First Program in Nudge, Part 2

Reposted from November 2023

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Ever wished you could get step-by-step help launching your program in Nudge?

Then you’re in the right place my friend!

This week is part 2 of our free live series that mimics the kind of one-on-one training you get when you launch a White Label app with Nudge.

In part 2, Sarah and Catherine review what we configured so far (our homework from part 1) and dive into the steps to setting clients up for success with a seamless onboarding process.

Watch it. Then here’s your homework:

  1. Create a test Group

  2. Create a test Sequence and Welcome Card

  3. Onboard yourself and one other person

Nudge lets you guide your clients through your coaching programs, trainings and courses in an easy-to-use mobile app. Get started setting up the app for your clients for free here.

If your business is ready to deliver programs in your own custom-branded app for clients, learn more about our White Label App solution here.