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Multiple Choice, Select One & Scales: Getting Simple Responses from Clients

Stress levels, satisfaction scales, simple yes/no questions, there are so many reasons to have your clients choose from a pre-set list of options.

This week we’re digging into many of the reasons to ask for clients’ input this way, and giving you our best tips for how to set these questions and prompts up to get the best and most useful response from your clients.


We concluded this week that Select One trackers are best used for 2 general reasons:

(1) When you want standardized responses to questions that you can compare over time or across clients and use to determine where they are and/or best next steps.

ex. Using the same question with set responses on an Intro Assessment and then later in the program to assess progress.

(2) When you want to continue gathering responses from clients but want to make it as easy on them as possible to respond.

ex. Clients have been tracking a specific habit in detail for awhile, say every meditation session. You’re satisfied the habit is formed, but you want them to maintain it. Switch them to a simple Select One tracker like “Did you do X today” with Yes or No as the responses to make tracking quicker and easier for awhile.

The above example speaks to our recommendation that if you start offering a Maintenance Program for clients who’ve completed your primary program with success but want help ensuring they maintain their results if you don’t already.

Maintenance Programs are a great way to continue serving your hard-earned clients in a way that provides lasting value to them, and can provide consistent recurring revenue for your business.

Fine tuning your program offerings to retain clients for longer is almost always a higher ROI strategy than launching new marketing initiatives focused on increasing volume of clients. It simply costs less to re-sell an existing client, than to sell a new one.

For more check out this post on Online Coaching Business Models or this one on the most important Subscription Business Metrics for Successful Online Programs.

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