Online Training for Remote and Digital Health Coaching

Bonus Material: Click here to get access to free Online Health Coach training modules.

Isn’t it amazing how many health coaching and fitness professional training and continuing education resources are available online at this point? They’re everywhere! 

Online coaching training has been easy to find for years now, with groups like the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE) leading the way, and lately more niche training has begun to spread at scale - The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy for example.

But even with the massive growth of online training there’s something missing. And we mean to address it.

Most industry leaders list wearables and mobile health technology as a top trend, if not the number one trend in the wellness and fitness industries right now, and yet, somehow, not one online course or continuing education program is offering high quality education for professionals on how to use this technology with clients and within a business.

There should be free education for digital health coaching


In a world where ...

... we believe health and wellness professionals MUST have access to better training and resources to help them take advantage of mobile health technologies.

Why is this so important to us?

Because every day at least one person comes to us who wants to either launch or transition and existing coaching practice or program into a scalable online health coaching business.

We hear it from solopreneurs hoping to expand their business online, from fitness influencers and brands trying to build better engagement and monetize their audiences, and even in more innovative healthcare organizations looking to improve patient engagement for better outcomes.

So to us, this information gap that's plaguing the health industry is not acceptable - so here’s what we’re doing about it...

We've teamed up with the best behavior change, health coaching and mobile health technology expert and educator we could find, Dr. Steve Feyrer-Melk. 

Dr. Steve has spent decades researching and developing through trial and error working with patients, the absolute best methods for engaging, coaching and communicating for behavior change through digital coaching.

He's also uncovered how health tracking technologies like apps and wearables can be used most effectively with clients, patients and program participants.

What has come out of this collaboration is a series of short video training modules, that provide simple, powerful and actionable strategies to optimize your coaching and strengthen your business through the integration of mobile health technology.

Digital coaching is nothing like in-person health coaching. The challenges and pitfalls, communication strategies and information gathering methods are all different, and so what you'll learn in our academy you won't learn anywhere else.

Simply because no one else has the experience our team and Dr. Steve Feyrer-Melk have when it comes to the unique challenges remote coaching relationships present!


Never before have we seen a more unfortunate information gap in this industry. According to this Society for Participatory Medicine survey, 84% of people believe self-tracking with devices and apps, and sharing data with their health team, would help them better manage their health.

According to this ACE survey of fitness professionals, 72 percent of respondents reported that clients or class participants ask for insight and feedback on wearable devices, but only 51 percent of professionals feel they are prepared to answer those questions. 

In our experience, even though a little over half of fitness and wellness professionals claim to know a little about a wearables, most have no clue how to use mobile health technology to optimize their coaching relationships and their business.


And how would they?

There is no training program out there for this. 


So we are building one. And for now at least, it’s completely free to check it out.

We just wrapped up Lesson 1, which includes 8 short videos from lifestyle medicine, mobile health, health coaching and behavior change expert Dr. Steve Feyer-Melk of the Optimal Heart Attack and Stroke Prevention Center.

Dr. Steve has honed his lessons from using leading technologies like health apps and wearables as tools that have helped him at effectiveness, efficiency and scale to his practice in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Here's what he had to say when I asked Dr. Steve why he was so passionate about getting this information out there to coaches and practitioners.


"The health, wellness and fitness industry is overflowing with wonderful training and certification courses that focus on programmatic content and traditional, old-school style systems.

Unfortunately, this curriculum model omits a key element that is required in any wellness/fitness business that involves clients/patients. You see, the integration of mobile-health technology into a solid client/patient program is the key to optimizing success of your client, you, and your business.

Because of this serious gap that disregards the POWER of mobile health technology, I enthusiastically developed Nudge University to provide you with the tools to leverage your amazing talents effectively and efficiently."


Dr. Steve has this down to a science - the kind of science that helps you serve more clients or patients better using technology. And now you can too. 

If you're as excited as I was to get started, click below to learn how to get access to all of Lesson 1 with Dr. Steve for free.