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How to write a personal coaching bio that sells

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In this post, you’ll learn my 9 best tips for writing an effective coaching bio for your website. Follow these steps to create a personal coaching bio that captures the attention and trust of your ideal clients.

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It’s not just you. Most coaches find writing their first online coaching bio for their website challenging, and even uncomfortable, so don't feel bad if you went online searching for tips on writing a good personal coach bio.

The creative process is hard. (We share advice on pushing through it in our post on How to create a coaching program from scratch)

So there's no shame in not knowing where to start.

Many coaches struggle with putting their ideas, qualities, and professional accomplishments on paper, but in our highly competitive world it's important to know how to  differentiate yourself.

Your goal is to learn the most impactful way that you could possibly tell your story if you were sitting down and telling it to your ideal client.

We are certain that with few pointers you will become unstoppable, avoiding even those mistakes seasoned personal coaches make when writing their bios. Keep reading if you want to learn our best writing tips that will transform the way you compose your coaching bio..

9 steps to a great coaching bio

Not many people are naturally good at writing, but even those fortunate ones are rarely aware of how they should go about composing a solid bio. 

Luckily, you don’t need to be a professional writer to create an effective online coaching bio. You just need a few tips to point you in the right direction. 

Here are 10 of our most helpful bio writing tips.

1. Target your online coaching bio well

Before you can create an ultimate bio you must research your audience, discover what they look for in a personal coach, what information they search for, and what may dictate their choice.

Try attracting your ideal coaching client with your bio by writing it as if you were speaking with them directly, not to the general public. 

A good coaching  bio is aimed at a specific audience, but a great one is written as if speaking directly to a specific person; your ideal client.

2. Cater to your ideal client’s needs

Usually, when we write it’s natural for us to deliver information as we see fit, choosing what to include based on our own desires and personal preferences. But if you want  to compose a compelling bio that sells your coaching, you must do the exact opposite. 

It doesn't matter what you want to say. It matters what people want to hear.

When writing something for potential clients, attempt stepping into their shoes and thinking what information they are after. For example:

  • What’s the destination you have in mind for them?

    • Where will you take them on this coaching journey?

  • Why should they trust you?

    • Why does your experience show you can guide them there?

  • Do you have a clear plan to get them there?

    • What are some key steps you’ll guide them through?

This approach will make sure that a written bio is informative, helpful, and brimming with useful details, which your clients will definitely appreciate.

If this makes sense, but you’re feeling concerned your abilities as a writer to compose something compelling, taking advantage of a writing advisory resource, like TrustMyPaper may be a good fit to help you overcome those doubts and feel more confident in your ability to execute.

3. Make it SEO-friendly

Now that we’re catering to our ideal coaching clients, we should work on "pleasing" the search engines. 

After all, unless they determine that your bio deserves being proudly displayed in leading positions, people will not even know you exist. What's the point of perfecting your bio if no one will read it? 

Do keyword research, include relevant high-traffic phrases into your bio, but make sure they don’t stick out like a sore thumb. One can also add links for better SEO, but they should avoid appearing purely promotional. 

4. Get personal

Your online coaching bio can't be a soulless piece of writing – it's your personal introduction and when people read it they should feel as if they're interacting with you directly.

Remember, you’re writing as if you’re speaking to a specific person, your ideal coaching client. 

Make sure to use personal pronouns like "you and "I".

This will give your writing some extra character, and make you feel more approachable, so prospective clients feel more comfortable reaching out or booking an initial coaching session. More on this in our final tip.

5. Add visuals

When people read your bio, they get to know you both as a specialist and a person. But how can they connect with you if they haven’t even met you?

Thankfully, there are ways to properly introduce yourself remotely – just add a friendly photo, or even a personal video to your bio. 

A personal coach is someone who works closely with their clients, so it’s wise to show your face. A good photo will make you appear friendlier, more welcoming, and involved, as well as allow your clients to distinguish you from other coaches.

Your next great client is looking at your online coaching bio because they have something specific they want to achieve; a new version of themselves that they want to find. But they will only convert into a client once they feel they know and trust you to help them get to wherever they want to go.

Personal photos and videos play a huge role in letting your authentic self be known to your clients so they can start to build a connection with you. 

6. Try not to ramble

When some people start talking about themselves, they can go on and on for ages. This is not something you want to do when writing your personal coaching bio.

You may not only appear self-centered and overly promotional but also bore your readers to the point when they abandon the idea of hiring you. 

Remember, brevity is the soul of wit. Keep your bio short and to the point, but don't skip any important information that may help "sell" your clients on the idea of working with you. 

There's no specific length personal coaching bio needs to be, but suffice it to say 1,000 words on yourself is most often going to come off a bit self-indulgent to a potential client. 

7. Leverage your credentials

Elaborating on our last statement, sharing other people's feedback about you as a personal coach is the best way to attract new clients, letting you showcase your abilities all the while.

Yes, this means those client success stories!

Did you know that 90% of people read reviews about a product or service before they decide to try it for themselves? This confirms that no statements you make about your own business can be as persuasive as testimonials from satisfied past clients. Take advantage of that factor and always put clients’ testimonials in your personal coaching bio.

People do seek out reviews when trying to decide if they should put their trust in a certain product or service, which is why we want to give our honest feedback on SupremeDissertations – a service that is well-equipped to handle academic writing of any complexity. If you need further confirmation, feel free to read numerous testimonials featured on their website. 

8. Don’t stop on just one

One, top notch online coaching bio may be all you need for your website, but what if you collaborate with other partners on podcast, blog posts or other promotions?

Sharing one bio, regardless of how stellar it may be, can get redundant fast. Because you made your bio appealing and easy to find thanks to our tips, people probably come across it often and may get bored with witnessing the same old text over and over again. 

Moreover, a single bio shared repeatedly can feel more like a spammy commercial, and less like a statement that showcases your authority. 

We suggest creating a couple of additional short-form bios and using whichever version best fits the partner and context of each situation  – this will be great for both attracting clients and possibly even SEO, as you will be able to include more keywords into your text that could link back to your website for more information

9. Add the right call-to-action (CTA)

Once your future clients learn all they need about you as a personal coach, they will still likely hesitate over whether they should reach out to you. Most people need a little nudge when it comes to decision-making, as we often struggle to take that final step. 

That’s why, having proven that you are right for the job, you must always add a clear call to action into your online coaching bio. Adding a call to action into your text can result in a conversion rate increase of over 120%, thus making your bio extra effective. Therefore, a simple CTA can turn a short personal introduction you composed into effective bait that will reel more of those clients right in!

Decide exactly what you want a potential client reading your bio to do next, and focus on how to best incorporate that CTA into your bio, ideally more than once.

Whether it’s booking a free consultation or downloading or trying out some free trial programming, make sure it’s clear where they should go next to get more of what you have to offer. 

Final thoughts

Equipped with these tips on composing your ideal online coaching bio, we hope you can start writing without fear and hesitation. 

With some practice, your bios will not just look great and read easily but will also become the best client magnets you could ever hope for. Don't waste any more time contemplating and start wiring your perfect personal coaching bio right now!

And if you want to engage your clients more effectively in your coaching programs, so you can increase your impact on the clients you’re called to serve, try creating your own coaching app with a free Nudge account here.