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5 Steps to a Successful Program Launch

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We’ve seen a lot of programs launch over the years, and have found there are best (and worst) practices that make a difference when it comes to program success.

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First thing to consider is what would success mean for you and for your program? Do you want to dive deep into concepts and habit changes with individual clients? Or, do you want to scale your program and reach hundred - even thousands - of users?

Nudge Coach has helped businesses with both of these program types, and everything in between. So, create a vision for your program, and let’s look at how we can make it happen following this 5-step guide.

The first step is, of course, to actually create your program. There are a few different ways you can configure your program in the Nudge platform, so let’s look at those options.

Remember, a program usually consists of a mixture of Cards/Sequences, Messages, Communities, and Push Notifications, so there’s really endless possibilities.

Build Your Program

After you’ve created at least a few Cards and have an idea of what the bones of your program will look like, let’s create some groups.

Create Groups

Groups help you manage your users and get the right content to the right people. This is also how you can make Communities and Leaderboards available to your users.

Use groups for:

  • Easy group messaging

  • Communities/Leaderboards

  • Auto-assigning Cards and Sequences

Define groups by:

  • Program

  • User commonalities

  • User start date

Assign Your Program

Card ‘Sequences’ let you schedule out entire programs in advance and deliver them automatically. There are two different kinds of Sequences. Open Enrollment: These Sequences start whenever you assign a client (directly or via a group auto-assign) and Cohort: Everyone in this Sequence gets the same content on the same day. These Sequences go hand-in-hand with a calendar.

To assign a sequence, once you’ve saved your Sequence, hit "assign to groups and clients", then select the client(s) or group to which you’d like it assigned. Next, select when you'd like the Sequence to begin, and if you'd like it to be an open enrollment or cohort Sequence.

You're all set! Make sure to hit "save" while you create your Sequence, so you don't lose any of your work.

Let’s take a look at an example of how you might distribute your content in a 7-day sequence.

Notice how day one has a little more going on than the rest of the program. That’s pretty normal. Also, don’t forget to include a call to action on your final day (or nearing the end of your program) if there’s a maintenance program or something else you’d like your users doing afterwards.

Onboard Your Users

Why should your client use this app? Why will it benefit them? How should they get connected on the app? What should they do each day, week, etc while on your program?

One of the best ways to get your users off to a strong and engaged start is to include “why”, “how”, and “what” during onboarding.

Now, let’s create a framework for our onboarding so we can make sure to cover these things.

Step One: Get context Gather personal information on where the client feels they are today. Ideally, get a history of their specific challenges, where they want to go (their goals), when they want to get there (their timelines), and WHY they want this change. You’ll find a template in the card library you can start with.

Step Two: Clarify the purpose of the app for them in this program Why are you using an app with them? Why is it going to benefit them to use the app?

Step Three: Walk through the download instructions and Invite ID Walk them through it without skipping any steps. Screenshots and even a video are perfect here. Remind them to accept push notifications from the app when asked.

Step Four: How do you expect them to use the app? How often are they getting new content? Do you expect daily tracking? Are there weekly assessments? Be as specific as you possibly can. What can they expect of you via the app? How often will you check-in? Can they message you any time? When will they hear back?

Keep Users Engaged

Now that you and your clients are connected, let’s talk about the best ways to keep them coming back.

Push Notifications

You can add a push notification to any message or card, and is a setting within communities. However, the only way a client will receive their push notifications is if they have push notifications turned on for your app WITHIN THEIR PHONE SETTINGS. Remember, when adding a push notification to a message, make sure to stick with any HIPAA compliant guidelines regarding PHI necessary. This usually means keeping the message vague and generic.


You can send messages in real time to individuals, groups, or even all of your clients. You can also schedule messages to be sent in the future. When a client replies to a message, it becomes a private direct message between coach and client.

(Note: for Scale and White Label plans, we can customize this tab to link to external sites or disable it altogether.)


Let clients know what the function and guidelines, goals, and core values of the community are. What can participants expect, and how can they get the most out of the community experience? What makes your community special? Think of this like a mission statement. Use your brand voice or introduce yourself as the moderator. Users will only be visible to others if and when they create or reply to a post.


An optional addition to any community. Choose a numerical tracker, and have users opt-in to some friendly competition. Participation and prizes optional.

Are there better days and times than others for engagement?

Yes, there are!

Best Time of Day for Push Notifications: (in users’ local time zone): Best time: 6:00-8:00am Worst time: 11:00pm - 4:00am

Best Kinds of Cards: “One time card” assignments tend to have better open rates than “repeat cards or daily tracking card” assignments. Sequences fall in the middle since they typically include both types of card assignment. Cards with a title of 21-30 characters have the best open rates (average title length is 11-20 characters). Titles with hashtags and question marks also had the best open rates. We recommend Cards be no longer than about 450 characters, and no more than two Cards per day.

Best days: Sunday-Wednesday Worst day: Saturday. Engagement starts to increase on Sunday before reaching the peak on Monday.

Bonus! (but also essential)

Assign your programs to yourself. This is one of the most important things you might not be doing. The best way to make sure your program and cards are created and assigned properly is to assign it to your own client account.

Time to Start Building! The biggest mistake you can make when creating your programming is not getting started.

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Is there anything you’ve found especially helpful when launching your programs? We’d love to hear it! Let us know how you’re using Nudge, and if you have any questions. We’re here to help!

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