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What's In And What's Out In 2023

Here are just a few of the ‘what’s in’ trends we cover in the video above (in no particular order):

  1. Targeted ‘micro programs’ vs. massive programs ranging across a broad topic

  2. Focusing on high-ticket clientele/opportunities (even reselling apps & programs)

  3. Peer-to-Peer learning opportunities in programs (group coaching/cohorts)

  4. Focusing more on fewer social channels and promotional channels

  5. Focusing on ‘doing/habits/consistency’ rather than ‘knowing/learning/discovery’

Plus, we highlighted a few “hot market” opportunities in 2023, before we embarrassed ourselves by trying to name a few fashion trends 😜.

Watch the full video to experience all of our predictions.

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Nudge lets you guide your clients through your coaching programs, trainings and courses in an easy-to-use mobile app. Get started setting up the app for your clients for free here.

If your business is ready to deliver programs in your own custom-branded app for clients, learn more about our White Label App solution here.